Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 18 Test!! Notes

Antigone dies a virgin, and according to Greek tragedy, she dies in the prime of her life without fulfilling that which has the potential to make her happy, that being a wife and a mother. This also continues with the marriage and death relationship. However her fiance dies with her in his arms, of course this after she hangs herself and he stabs himself. In the end though Creon takes full responsibility for the deaths in his family.

65% of the test will be these questions or based on them.

  1. What does hubris mean?
  • Pride or arrogance

2. What happened at the Elucinian Mysteries?

  • Done: Reenactment of the abduction of Persephone

  • Seen: Stalk of wheat or grain of corn

  • Said: Rain Conceive

3. What are Steiner's Five Conflicts (in order)!

  • Men vs. Women

  • Age vs. Youth

  • Individual vs. State

  • Living vs. Dead

  • Gods vs. Humans

4. What is an epithet?

  • a sort of nick name; a handle; give example: trim ankled Persephone, Wily Odysseus

5. Which two characters exemplify the five conflicts?

  • Antigone and Creon

6. What is Stichonmithia?

  • rapid exchange of one liners

7. What is sparagmous

  • the tearing or rendering of living flesh

8. Define Anthropocentric view

  • in the Greek tradition, the view that is based on humans

9. Define miasma

  • The pollution, specifically in relation to Creon, when the dead are not treated properly

10. Know Antigone's view of politics....The Notion of a Moving target, and the Origin of Creon's Name

  • she favors the gods rule rather than the king's decree, and politics in general do not interest her. She stands for her values: family, ceremony and especially the duty of the living to bury their family.

  • The play warns against moral complacency. Antigone drives Creon crazy, who drives his Son crazy in consequence, and eventually because they do not do what is right everyone close to Creon dies.

  • Creon's name means ruler, and he works to keep the kingdom happy, and order, yet he is not overly ambitious

11. The Myth of the Eternal Return

  • Endless repetition of things

  • In relationship to Demeter and Persephone, from Winter to Spring etc.

12. Who is Hermes like with relation to the show "Family Guy"

  • Stewie

13. Thorough said we should read the __________ rather than the __________.

  • eternities, times

14. Who is guilty of taking one from above and tossing them below?

  • Creon tossing Antigone

  • Zeus tossing Persephone to Hades

15. Define In illo Tempore

  • In the great time, ex. we do this because in the beginning they did this...etc.

16. Which 2 mythological figures are poly tropic?

  • Hermes

  • Odesis

17. Who are the three great tragedians?

  • Sophocles

  • Euripides

  • Aeschylus

18. Who was the God of Crossroads?

  • Hermes

19. Define Agon

  • Conflict that leads to agony

20. All that is _________ possesses the ______.

  • past, present

21. According to the chorus what are the two best things that can happen to you?

  • The second best is to die

  • The first is to have never been born

22. Define Sarvan Darum, Sarvam Anitium

  • All is suffering, all is fleeting

23. What injury did Oedipus have as a babe?

  • He had holes drilled into his ankles

24. What does Antigone's name mean?

  • Against Birth

25. What is Hermes excuse for his innocence?

  • He was just born yesterday.

26. What did Robert Johnson do at the crossroads?

  • He sold his soul to the devil so he could play the guitar

27. why do we laugh according to Freud?

  • to keep from crying

28. what does it mean to make something Anigogic?

  • going in to the heavenly realm, try to use heavenly interpretation

29. What does senex mean?

  • Senator

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