Of all the different translations by:
Shamus Hanie
Yelt Walty
Robert Fagles
Woodrolfe's translation best describes the first sentence of Antigone:
"Ismene, dear heart, my true sister"
- committing the importance of sisterhood
- mystical association of sisterhood
- shows they are the only ones left of the house of Thebes
- They are the most dysfunctional family...easily...
Oedipus blames Jocasta for the problems in his life, because if she had not given birth to him then none of this would happen.
Curses that which gave him life. The Book of Job (from the Bible) "I wish I had never been born" 3:1-26
The second best thing is to die, the first...to never have been born. believed by Hamlet, Oedipus and Antigone.
Gon= birth,
He blames the source of the birth, but it turns out he cannot blame anyone but himself. And it begs the question Who Am I? Anagnorisis: means discovery....His Discover of his plight is his fault.
Samuel Beckett womb to tomb
When Antigone and Oedipus first came out there was very little gore, the servants were the Messengers, the ones who brought bad news. The first real gore in theatre was in Shakespeare's King Leare.
Both Creon and Antigone have valid points, however most people side with Antigone because she is defying the state, and seems more heroic.
Most people love to be in love with Antigone, she is the stronger female, the bad ass, the forbidden woman, the woman your parents couldn't believe you took to prom.
Creon is very practical, he does what he believes is necessary to take care of his people and his country.
"zed to knots" all about decomposition, education for all, religious desecration as well.
The Greater your suffering the greater your salvation....
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