- pg 22
- tear your balls off
- unpleasant flighting between the choruses
- Arostophanes shows himself as a masoganist
- pg 23
- flighting
- example The Sandlot
- old men and old women fighting = old hag, not your slave, you can't judge me, set fire to your hair
- women are victorious because they scueltch the men's fire
- commisioner comes in, the men want the women punished
- pg 27
- can't let women win
- Lysistrata says, the women will starve the war todeath, because the women take care of the money, they are the planners and managers
- the men protest it is not the same because women do not fight in wars
- men support more war like leaders
- the women dress the councelor up as a women and then as a corpse
- pg 34-35
- women use a wool metaphor,
- take something dirty and clean it until it is good and useful
- women fight war two times, they have sons and lose them as well as their husbands to the war
- men believe justice is up to them
- understand the making fun of it
- not biological in the penis sense but in the symbolic sense as a male view of the world
- such as the Lewistown Canons
- pg 40
- women no longer staunch in their vows, many are sneaking off
- lysistrata must change their mind
- one woman hides a helmet under her dress to give the illusion that she is having a baby
- REFERENCE TO OVID: Tarius goes to retreive sister in law, and falls in love and rapes her
- pg 48
- Ciresas is only interested in sex, not is son or anything else
- pg 57
- all men are depicted wearing cloaks, w/ erections
- Aristophanes insists things must work out in the end which is comedy in general
- pg 61
- PARABASIS when chorus looks out at the audience and seaks as one
- sense of comeraderie and reconciliation with characters and the audience
- pg 64
- representation on cover of book is allegorically as the stuffed doll
- resolving Pelepenesian war
- absolutly necessary for comedy
Th Golden Ass
- the original mid summer's night dream
- ends happily
- pg 72
- importance of reconciliation
- gives up hosility
- feast, weddings, and dancing are all in comedies
- comedy is about the community
- tragedy is about the individual
- to stand outside yourself
Trojan Women
- melodramatic
- Aristophanies has the best sense of tragedy because he had a tragic sense of life
- Agamemnon comes home and it is not going to be good
- Ajax raped Cassandra
- Poseiden and Athena decide the Greeks must be punished for this mis deed
- Agamemnon killed his own daughter
- he is killed by his wife and her lover, because of his folly
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