Lysistrata especially uses Flying text which is conversation that leans on the side of crude and vulgar
The Symposium
- must be seen in context
- is a benign sort of Flying,
- everyone has a different view
- human situations
It is not important what you can DO with your degree, but it is important what you can LEARN from your degree.
Parent of Love= poverty and plenty
- an intermediate spirit
- humans operate a different level
- in the end what we quest for is Beauty so it is a quest that starts there can in in a lover of wisdom and that of immortal and the good
- love is a part of the activity of loving
- using language is Erotic
- not a speech, it is a story, a narrative of love
- desires Socrates but it is never consummated
- his being a love should be valued
- addicted to Socrates because of his inner beauty
- (Plato understood the power of a Frame narrative)
- Similar to BBC movie Almost Strangers
- most primitive comedy is Gross and Aggressive
- Translated by Sara Rooden who is a woman, and is making a name for herself as one of the foremost translators of classic literature
Burning of Library in Alexandria
- lost so many precious, and ancient texts
- was burned by anti-intellectuals
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